On-Line Employee Evaluation Curriculum Exam

1. Employee evaluations are not considered private documents; therefore, they can be kept in an unsecure place.

2. Grievance procedures should only be filed if you plan on quitting your job.

3. Employee Evaluation concentrates on many factors: communication skills; performance factors; employment readiness skills; problem solving; and others.

4. The purpose of the Employee Evaluation is to review and assess the employee's accomplishments during the evaluation period and to set new goals.

5. Janet feels that her Employee Evaluation was unfair. She should...
do nothing.
complain to other employees about it.
follow grievance procedures.
just quit her job.

6. An employee must be given a copy of, or access to, the Employee Evaluation Criteria (rubric or other evaluation tools)...
prior to the evaluation period
during the evaluation period.
when the evaluation is over
whenever management gets around to it.

7. The Employee Performance Evaluation....
is an insignificant document,
is among the primary documents used in the assignment of the Virtual Business course grade.
doesn't provide valuable feedback to employees.
is only useful for firing employees.

8. During the EmployeePerformance Evaluation period...
a grievance should be filed,
It is a good idea to be absent often which will result in less stuff to be evaluated.
employee performance is expected to be superior to non-evaluation periods.
information and documents are collected to support the evaluation.

9. Jordan consistently fails to meet his job requirements. He is not self-motivated nor is he reliable. His employer is collecting evidence to support employment termination. It is most likely that Jordan will receive an Employee Evaluation rating of...
exceeds expectations.
meets expectations.
needs improvement.

10. Jessica's employee evaluation includes a section concerning her ability to delegate tasks to subordinate employees. Most likely Jessica is ...
an overachiever.
an underachiever.
a department manager.
an entry-level filing clerk.

11. An employee is entitled to see evaluation results...
after each evaluation is completed.
once a year.
only if they request it.
if they have internet access.

12. Any employee who wishes to file a complaint must do so...
within two weeks of the alleged violation.
before the next evaluation is completed.
anytime within one year of the alleged violation.
within five days of the alleged violation.

13. An employee may request an Arbitration Hearing if...
he or she did not attend the Informal Conference and is unhappy with the outcome.
he or she agreed to a resolution, but changed his or her mind.
he or she did not know what else to do,
no resolution was agreed upon at the Informal Conference,

14. It is recommended that employee evaluations are conducted....

15. The acknowledgement of Employee Performance Evaluation Criteria should...
be signed by the employee and placed in the personnel file
be signed by the employee and posted on the Internet
be signed by a co-worker and filed
does not requie a signature

Employee Evaluation Curriculum Test

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